Sunday, June 12, 2011


It is my aim to have many Montana ramblings this summer. It's not a goal, because that seems like the wrong feeling entirely for something that's about wandering without much of a schedule or intent. Sure, there will be an end event to be worked toward: camping on the Boulder, the Big Timber rodeo, weekend at Chico, seeing the Crazies. But I hope none of it will be direct, and that there will be many back roads and tiny bars. With good beer.

I got off to a good start, with the best rambler I know: Chowder. We walked around Columbus for an hour.

We swung through Reed Point.

Camped on the Yellowstone.

Found snow in Pony.

Saw good friends (the people, dog and favorite trail kinds) in Butte.

Ran through rain in Missoula.

Here's looking forward to more.

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